Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

The Amazing of Having Children

By. Ani Yusup

Being a mother is the most terrific and most challenging task ever! I am so ecited by worth of the task I have been given. I have a lot work to do at office, yet none compare to the daily supervision, debates, and "loud conversations" that I have with my 9-year-old girl, 7 and 5-year-old boys.

The time flew so quickly, it's amazing. Just yesterday, they were little babies, tiny winnie who depended on me for everything and now they are these confident young people who are becoming more self sufficient every day. They have their thoughts and opinions. They are great kids. I am not saying this because they are mine. I also hope that everyone have these feeling about their children.

I thank God for them every day. I alway could not believe that I have this amazing gift. What did I do so great in my lifetime to deserve such of this fantastic blessing? I made a lot of mistakes and I certainly wasn't the best student. I apparently did something right, and I would not do anything differently, because I cannot for the life of me figure out what I ever did to deserve them ... my children. They are the light of my life forever.

I thank God to finding me worthy of the gift of motherhood. Continue to bless my children with strength, health and free will. Bless my husband and me with the skills and resources to provide them with all of the things they want. I hope God gives me strength and fortitude to teach them to be an independent thinker, a self-sufficient doer, and a proactive participant.

Let us realize how fortunate we are and that we all need to pitch in and help those in needs. Bless those who are unable to conceive, help them to realize that they need to experience the pains of labor to mother a child.

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