Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Water In The Human Body

By. Ani Yusup
Why are some people who never eat stone, but they has kidney stone disease?

Generally people drink 8 (eight) glasses a day. Drinking water quality will determine the quality of one's health. Liver and kidney are organs which served as the filter water contained in the blood. Poor water contains many dissolved sediment that can accelerate liver damage and kidney. The precipitate was dissolved heavy metals can be very harmful for the body.

When we consume water that contains heavy metals, we could be poisoning. One of heavy metas is cadmium which can be acute and chronic. Toxic effects caused by the disease of the lungs, liver, high blood pressure, kidney dissorders in system, and osteoporosis.

Lead content in the human body can inhibit the activity of enzymes in the formation of hemoglobin which can lead to anemia. Poor appetite is a symptom caused by lead poisoning, also cramps, vomiting and dizzines. In the greater content timbale also can disrupt the reproductive system, mental disorders and kidney disorders.

Water is an important element that can dissolved anything even if in very small amounts. In the clear water there is no suspended solids, but still allows the existence of the dissolved solids.

Then, let us considering the quality of water we drink.

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