Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


Water as source of life has an important role in human life.

If we want to have those important role like water, let us think of what makes water so mean :
  1. Flowing water can enrich the soil, grow crops, and bear fruit.
  2. Teach us how to provide benefits to others.
  3. Water has a clean and pure nature which symbolizes the heart clarity, honesty and fairness
  4. Small streams combine into the creek and eventually into rivers, if you want to succeed, then we must help each other and work together to achieve goals.
  5. The flow of water each time to change, teaches that life must be dynamic, always moving to change for the better. If the water stops flowing it will rot, as well as humans need to be creative and innovative if you want to still exist
  6. 6.   Water easily passes through the rocks. When he met gravel will flow on it but when he encountered a large rock through the side, describing a flexible personal, flexible, and easy to adjust
    7.   Water brings a lot of good for the environment, but if the environment is damaged and then when the rain falls will be floods which swept everything in its path, there are times to be gentle, but also be firm sometimes
    8.   River to accommodate garbage, tin cans and even human waste, teaches us to be ready to accept input and criticism even painful but should be taken calmly and objectively.
    9.   An unspoiled river gurgling sound beautiful. The wise will always maintain good communication with his Lord and with each other
So much we can learn from water.

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